This project was funded by the Consortium national de la formation en santé (CNFS), Volet Université d’Ottawa.
The research team is comprised of: Katrine Sauvé-Schenk, Jacinthe Savard, Sébastien Savard, Denis Prud’homme, with site collaborators Andrée-Anne Ledoux and Karine Toupin-April. Research associate: Solange van Kemenade.
Three students were involved in the project thanks to the CNFS Bourses d’initiation à la recherche: Maude Potvin-Gilbert, Elizabeth Thibault and Sarah Pignac.
Previous research has demonstrated that language barriers influence our health in many ways. To improve access to health and social service in the official language of preference, organizations have been implementing actions of active offer of services in both official languages. Examples of actions of active offer are: asking a person their preferred language at the first point of contact, having telephone messages and written information in both official languages.
The goal of this study was to develop a questionnaire to better understand the experience and satisfaction of individuals using social and health services, with a focus on the active offer of services in both official languages. After development, the questionnaire was tested in three sites.