Research Projects - Income
Income is a social determinant that influences many aspects of a person’s everyday life and health, for example, their ability to purchase food, and afford transportation and housing. These projects describe the influence of income on rehabilitation and participation post-stroke and explore various ways the health system can support low-income stroke survivors to access social service information and resources.

Current Projects

Accès aux services sociaux pour les survivants d’AVC vivant en situation de faible revenu : implantation d’une intervention/ Access to Social Services for Stroke Survivors Living in a Low Income Situations : Implementation of an Intervention

Past Projects

A Systematic Review of Social Service and Community Resource Interventions Following Stroke
The Influence of a Low-Income and Linguistic Minority Context on Post-Stroke Participation
Supporting Access to Social Services for Low-Income Stroke survivors: Understanding Usual Care Practices in Acute Care and Rehabilitation Settings